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Are You Called To Deliver The Word of God, BUT
 You Fear Public Speaking, AND
You're READY to Speak Confidently


This Challenge Is what you need!


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it's your turn to speak... are you ready?

Many are called by God to release His Word, yet, some never step up to the plate due to the fear of public speaking.


BUT GUESS WHAT? The fact that you are considering joining this 5-Day Challenge SPEAK OUT is a HUGE step for you!


Listen, God is not surprised that you are experiencing, glossophobia, also known as the fear of public speaking. As a matter of fact, I believe Heaven is cheering you on as you have boldly decided to seek personal and professional development to increase your communication skills. 


Moses feared public speaking! Yes, that's right, the powerful Prophet of God who was used mightily to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt's bondage. He gave God every excuse about why he SHOULD NOT obey His commands. Does that sound familiar to you?


YES, It does for me because public speaking was MY #1 fear, therefore, I responded like Moses when the Holy Spirit gave me a Word to release! My mindset was, "I would rather disobey than face my fear!" WOW! Click here to read my full story.


In Exodus 3:11, Moses' response to God's command was, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?" His response revealed his lack of knowledge and understanding of his identity, and because he really had no clue, his questionable "Who Am I?" was "fueling" the fear!


This was the first issue! A BIG issue!


Nonetheless, just like Moses was chosen by God, the great I AM to release the Word of the Lord... YOU ARE too!




Get Ready! This challenge will provide those who believe they are called to ministry but fear public speaking with the tools, techniques, and training to overcome the fear of speaking before an audience.



"Public Speaking Was My Greatest Fear..."

My Public Speaking Journey

I can recall the days of my tender years in grammar school when I was extremely timid and afraid to speak when called upon in class. I was fearful of the teacher calling my name, which was already difficult for many to pronounce, and I intentionally avoided eye contact with her. With my heart pounding and sweaty hands, I sunk into my seat. When I heard another name called, I quietly exhaled with deep gratitude that I was not called upon, yet fearful, that it might be me the next time. I did not know then that I was experiencing something very common to humanity – Glossophobia. Glossophobia, also known as the fear of public speaking (public speaking anxiety), is something that many people struggle with – and I use the word struggle with great emphasis. Most studies have proven the fear of public speaking is the number one phobia, with death being number two! WOW!


What's alarming is that 74% of people suffer from glossophobia. Unfortunately, only 8% seek professional help to become more confident and effective. 


Jerry Seinfeld said it best, "According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy." 


When I was part of the 74% mentioned above, I felt inferior, insecure, and incompetent while speaking before a group. It was then that I realized how glossophobia impacted my confidence and my competence. My advancement personally, professionally, and socially took a hit! I did not have faith in my voice, the voice that God has given me, and this concerned me! This was my "ah-ha" moment.


My turning point occurred when I realized the value in developing - not just my skills to speak publicly, but my communication skills overall! Oh, what an eye-opener this was for me! During my collegiate studies, I decided to challenge myself and enroll in an advanced public speaking course. After experiencing the benefits of facing this fear head-on, I began to see how my life started to evolve. Fear no longer had me in its grip. I developed such a passion for the art of communication and public speaking. 


Speak Confidently was birthed in 2016 in my pursuit to develop solid and effective communicators. As an educator, I teach my clients not only how to overcome glossophobia, but the process of how to become confident and competent communicators. Through Speak Confidently, we offer training programs such as Boot Camps, Master Classes, Small Group Professional Training, One-on-One sessions, Mentorship Coaching, and Free Consultations. 


Since I have walked this path, I understand and know firsthand this process of development. After years of teaching and training, I have witnessed clients pursue new heights because they have discovered the power of their voices.


My truth is – to have faith in your voice, you must start by gaining the knowledge and understanding that will equip you to become more effective!





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Meet Your Presenter

Naimah Ward

Naimah Ward, the "Confidence Coach" train leaders in communication and public speaking development to bridge the gap between confidence and competence. Naimah received her Bachelor of Arts from Howard University (Washington, DC) in Communication with an emphasis in Television/Film Production. She received her Master of Arts from Montclair State University (Montclair, NJ) in Communication Studies & Organizational Development. She has over ten years of experience teaching Communication  & Public Speaking. She has impacted many lives while teaching at Moravian University and Northampton Community College, and through her Speaker Training & Development coaching programs!


is what we're after... It's our point of reference!

We are intentional about meeting our client's needs!


We developed our programs for leaders from all backgrounds to introduce the fundamental principles and the relationship between communication and public speaking development - two interdependent skills vital for personal and professional success.


Our courses and signature programs address common problems leaders experience and provide strategic and profitable solutions to help our clients excel as solid communicators. We have developed a proven system using a transformational approach that provides hands-on training to guide our clients on this journey.


Bridging the gap between CONFIDENCE - and - COMPETENCE.

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I enrolled in the "Equipped to Deliver" course, thinking my fear of public speaking would improve. "Equipped to Deliver" has done more than that!!! This course was definitely ordained by God, and a passion of Naimah, to see others the way God sees them and to thrust you into your God-given destiny! This course has literally changed my life!!!! Before this course, I felt that I had no voice, no self-confidence, and truly was losing my faith in God. Because of the stretching, the assignments that made you dig deep to address why you feel the way you feel, and the support from Naimah, including my class cohorts - this has changed. I am more confident in the voice that God has given me. This course is a LIFE CHANGER and I highly recommend that you enroll in this course and invest in YOU!

Jen Sanders
 2023 Cohort

From the very 1st session, I couldn’t wait to get to the next session and surely didn’t want this class to come to an end when it did! This class, “Equipped to Deliver,” blessed me real good!! Equipped to Deliver first helped me identify the root of what was stopping me from walking in my purpose — using my voice to bring God glory. During this class, those things were not only identified but uprooted as I heard the Word of the Lord and began to meditate on it after class. The homework assignments were so intentional and purposeful in getting us to where we needed to be. Throughout this journey, we put into practice what was taught. Now I can speak God’s word with confidence and boldness knowing that He will speak through me as I open my mouth. Having Pastor Naimah as our teacher was a blessing in and of itself. She took so much time to connect with us in and out of the class. I recommend this class, Equipped to Deliver, for anyone who believes fear is holding them back from speaking the Word of the Lord!

Sherri Taylor
 2023 Cohort

The "Equipped to Deliver" course is exceptional. I enrolled in this class wanting to learn how to organize and communicate revelation about God’s Word. I received so much more than that. Pastor Naimah Ward passionately instilled confidence in me about how God has given me the ability to annihilate fear once and for all! Pastor Naimah is truly invested in growth as a communicator. Every week and every lesson, I grew in confidence in communicating techniques and was challenged to engage in the group activities. This course has valuable lessons, that not only improves your communication skills but also will improve your leadership skills. If you want to finally overcome the fear of speaking definitely start your journey here!

Tanisha Young
 2023 Cohort

I thoroughly enjoyed taking the "Equipped To Deliver" course! It was life-changing for me! Week by week I experienced growth and transformation through the challenges. The challenges asked me questions that caused me to discover false beliefs I was holding on to. The challenges pushed me out of my comfort zone. The course helped me see the importance of being prepared and taught me how to prepare before speaking. I learned to sit and wait on God to speak. I experienced deliverance from false beliefs and fear. I experienced transformation, especially in the area of confidence. The lessons I learned are endless and I continue to glean from them now.


Pastor Naimah poured into us during the course and continues to do so by encouraging us to use what we learned.


I highly recommend investing in your growth by taking the

"Equipped To Deliver" course.

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Felicia Jones
2023 Cohort


This course was phenomenal!


Coach Naimah Ward was sensational and was nothing short of amazing throughout the entire course. She was attentive to every question, concern, or challenge I had. Watching her teach with such passion and confidence gave me assurance. I felt safe and comfortable being open and learning from her. She helped me identify the root of what was keeping me from evolving effectively in public speaking.


Taking the “Equipped To Deliver” course was an eye-opener for me… it has done more than what I signed up for.


If you are someone or know someone who feels uneasy, uncomfortable, and fears any sort of public speaking… No matter what level you find yourself in, this course will help you with the knowledge and confidence to help you move forward efficiently.


I am so happy I took this course with Coach Naimah. She was truly a blessing and I highly recommend Equipped To Deliver!

Emma Dovral
2023 Cohort

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